When I first met Donna last year, I was struck by her warm demeanor and quiet confidence. Though she is a talented and successful
photographer who is well respected and admired by both colleagues and clients, Donna always remains humble. More often, you will hear her promoting the work of some of her colleagues, friends, and even assistants (thanks Donna!). She is self assured, but never boastful. She has carefully formed opinions and is conscientious when she speaks, whether it be about photography, design, feral cats, or cottaging. Cheers to you, Donna. :)
Battle over wages: the male-female age gap
Women have often been given a bad deal when it comes to work, whether we like it or not.That, to me, is encapsulated in the fact that despite there being an Equal Pay Act in place in the UK since 1970, women still earn on average 17 percent less per hour than men for doing the equivalent role in the workplace, according to figures from The Fawcett Society. (http://www.internationalwomensday.com/)