Thursday, January 28, 2010

Project Black Book

Ray had the idea of submitting something to Project Black Book...and these are the results of our lazy Sunday afternoon shoot.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mention in NOW Magazine!

Apparently my show along with the others opening at Harbourfront Centre tomorrow night are considered a must-see show by NOW exciting!

Still Life showing at Harbourfront Centre

My first solo show is opening tomorrow night at Harbourfront Centre! Still Life will be on until April 4th if you can't make it to the reception. Hope to see you there! (Above - The Proposal - is one of two new images I shot this year to be included in the series)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New website is up!

After posting my new images here all year while my site was under construction I'm happy to say it's finally up! Thanks Nick!